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Friday, December 4, 2015

The One with the Locked Locker

Today I spent the day subbing at my former high school which means there was a good deal of reminiscing. I thought about all the embarrassing things that happened in those days: tripping over a speed bump with my saxophone while marching through the parking lot as the band practiced for a parade, showing up to the wrong school on the first day of Freshman year (that particular story can be read here The One with the First Day of High School), and having to get the janitor to cut a lock off my locker. That story is the one I will share now...

My high school best friend and I shared a locker in the Band Room. For whatever reason we did not keep a lock on our shared locker; we did not even have a lock for it. I suppose we felt safe and boring enough to trust that no one would want to steal anything from us. I remember getting to History class one day and soon realizing that I did not have my book. After convincing my teacher to allow me to go fetch it I made my way to the Band Room. When I arrived to my locker I was completely confused. There was a lock on my locker. After looking into the surrounding lockers, they were barred and not steal doors so I could easily peer in, and seeing my things in the locked locker, I concluded that it was indeed my locker. I tugged on the lock thinking that maybe someone was playing a joke and put a fake lock on my locker. Nope. It was not unlocking. 

Feeling totally embarrassed, yet still in need of my History book, I went on a hunt for a janitor. Once I found the janitor it was even more embarrassing trying to explain why I needed the lock cut off. 

"No, I did not forget the combination."

"Yes, it really is my locker."

"Seriously, it has never had a lock on it. Now it does."

"C'mon, I really just need my History book."

"Thank you!"

How I finally convinced the janitor to let me into my own locker I do not remember, but I do remember the embarrassment. And I never did solve the mystery of where the lock came from. 

And now I keep everything locked. 

1 comment:


    The signs and miracles Jesus performed were written in the Bible that men may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing men may have life in His name.

    John 20:29-31 Jesus said to him, "Thomas, because you have seen Me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believe." 30 And truly Jesus did many other signs in the presence of His disciples, which are not written in this book; 31 but these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name. (NKJV)

    Why do the various denominations write catechisms aka creed books? Denominations write creed books to indoctrinate its members and future members to accept the ideology, and principles, of their particular denomination.

    Denominations do not write creed books to convince men to believe that Jesus is the Christ and the Son of God. The Bible is conclusive proof that Jesus was a miracle worker, the Christ, and God's Son. Why would anyone need to add to the Bible, or remove doctrine from it.

    Denominational creed books are books of division, not of unity in Christ.

    Baptist creed books are use to teach Baptist doctrine.

    Roman Catholic creed books teach Catholic doctrine.

    Episcopal creed books teach Episcopal doctrine.

    Mennonite creed books teach Mennonite. doctrine.

    Methodist creed books teach Methodist doctrine.

    The Bible teaches God's doctrine. The Bible does not teach different denominational doctrines. The Bible does not teach multiple ways of being saved. The Bible teaches about one church, the church of the Lord Jesus Christ.

    If creed books are simply repeating Scriptures, then they are not needed. If creed books are adding to or removing Scriptures, then creed books are sinful.

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