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Dreamer. Reader. Traveler.

Thursday, August 31, 2017

The One with Lean on Me

To be buried or drown beneath a huge mass.

To be defeated completely.

To give too much of a thing to (someone); inundate.

To be overwhelmed.

This is me.

Taking things in stride and being strong is a source of pride for me. At this moment, however there is little stride or strength.  There is mostly overwhelming weariness. I’m tired of always having to be strong which is why I resonated so strongly with the following article on Elephant Journal recently. 

“There is no shame in needing someone. There is no fault in saying: I can’t do this life thing all on my own.’” Luckily for me, I am not doing this life thing all on my own. I am forever grateful to the few I can always count on whether there is sad news to share or fun things to celebrate. A cousin of mine said it best just a few days ago, “we are all here for each other.” Thank God. 

This reminds me of a time when my cousins and I were all significantly younger. For whatever reason we all had matching striped shirts with the only variation being the color. We wore these shirts and performed for our parents a learned choreographed dance to Lean on Me taught to us by a certain older cousin. We leaned on each other then and we lean on each other now.

Lean on the ones you love. And allow them to lean on you. Life is better together.