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Dreamer. Reader. Traveler.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

The One where Hope is Trapped

Death, life, and hope have been heavy on mind and heart lately. On many occasions recently I've had the pleasure of sitting around multiple tables with so many of the dearest people in my world. During these times at the table there have been tears of grief, tears of laughter, games played (I lost more than seems fair), memories shared, and new memories made.

Entirely too many people that I know are currently experiencing the grief that comes from the death of a loved one. Whether young or old, sick or healthy, rich or poor, acquaintance or kin, I believe that with death comes a special kind of hope. Hope that dear ones will be there to show you love, hope that you will again be in a place together to reunite with the one that left, hope that you will live this short life with a full heart, and hope that when death comes for you that you will accept it with peace and elegance.

"When illness enters a home, not only does it take hold of a body, it also weaves a dark web between hearts, a web where hope is trapped." This quote from Muriel Barbery's book The Elegance of the Hedgehog keeps coming back to me. It gives life and movement to the idea of hope and paints a beautiful picture of what it looks like to be trapped in the sticky webs of the heart.

For those greiving, know you are loved and trust in the power of hope.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

The One with 2014

2015 has only just begun and already there has been much reflection on 2014.

Although the ringing in of 2014 was the most fun I have ever had on a New Year's Eve, the next 365 days did not follow suit. The last year was, most certainly, the strangest and hardest year of my life. I have had strange and hard seasons of my life, but last year seemed to be one continuous strange and hard season.

2014 brought with it an array of employment choices. It also offered many miles to travel, dreams to chase, relationships to gain and change, and goals to achieve. Even through all the good of the year, the overwhelming feelings of uncertainty and confusion that loom about me are what make me certain that 2015 must be nothing but better than the last.

2014 Highlights:

Chicago Trip


Springfield, Tulsa, Denver Trip

North Carolina Trip

Months of housesitting

Paying off my car loan and one student loan

New York Trip

Colorado Trip

Working and making friends at the Jerusalem Cafe

The health of my family

Royals baseball

Meeting my New Year's Resolutions (to write one blog post a month and to read 12 books)

Big love and cheers to new adventures and appreciation in 2015!
