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Dreamer. Reader. Traveler.

Thursday, July 1, 2021

The One with June 2021

June was busy! There were highs. There were lows. There were laughs. There were tears. Life was lived, for sure.

Sports! Much time was spent watching and cheering on our teams in June. 

My dad retired and we had a fire in the backyard (surprise, surprise) to celebrate!

Celebrating my cousin and her upcoming wedding was a fun excuse for Family Book Club to reconvene. 

We tapped a watermelon and hosted my Best Favorite's soccer team to watch a hockey game.

Drinking and eating is more fun in the sun.

Time for the obligatory pup photos!

Books read so far this year: 32

I had Jury Duty for the first time in June. I wasn't selected and won't be summoned for at least another three years.

School is going well, but starting a business is a lot of work. I'm hitting many roadblocks and while that's slowing me down I'm still going. I'm learning a lot, especially that slowing down is ok.

There were so many storms in June. And so!much!rain!

All the rain meant so much humidity and so much humidity meant big big big hair!

Family game night: Aggravation

When you get a special new baking mold you bake brownies, of course!

Our wood pile has grown significantly and we are more ready than ever for fire nights. 

Cheers to laughing, learning, and loving.