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Dreamer. Reader. Traveler.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The One With That Old Familiar Road

There is nothing quite like death and late night drives with my best friend to sync my head and my heart.

For as long as I have been able to force a key into an inginition I have taken secret drives to my late Aunt Judy's earthly home, often with my best friend. It's a little jaunt through some twisty turns to get there and when making that journey at night, which I only ever do, fog is a near guarantee. 

When I turn my brights on and strain my eyes to see through that fog, I cannot help but to look back at some very memorable events with and involving my Aunt Judy. The most vivid memories are the extravagant 4th of July parties and the somber night she died.  These precious memories burst with laughter, love, and comfort that can only come through the knowledge that family is forever. 

September first was the 13th anniversary of the day she went Home. This thought must have been more present in my subconscious than I realized. After spending a sweet weekend night with family and friends, my best friend and I had a hankering to roll the windows down and just drive- like we used to.

 We wanted to sing loudly into the blackened sky, escape for a bit as if night was forever, and feel as innocent as the kids we once were. Without much thought, I merged onto the highway and almost immediately began the journey down that old familiar road. 

Realizing that I remembered the way, after so many years with no secret trips, created in me a sense of closeness- closeness to my Aunt, closeness to God, and a closeness between my head and my heart. 

My journey through the fog, both literally and metaphorically, has led me to a place where my head and my heart make sense together. 

Thanks be to God. And a special thanks to my Aunt Judy for saying HI to me on the radio this morning- I will remember you. 

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