“The land is what it is. Life is what it is. God is what God is. You and me, we are what we are. None of it’s perfect. Or, hell, maybe it all is and we’re just not wise enough to see it.”
-William Kent Krueger
When your family knows you well and gives you the best belated birthday presents.
And some even came to celebrate at a very belated birthday party where we watched old home videos and ate different foods dipped in pistachio butter and Nutella.
Easter was a laid back day of watching Supernatural, eating ice cream, playing games, and creating hashtags. #bunnymoney
My best favorite and I (along with some soccer buds) were invite to a Friends & Family night at J. Rieger Co’s Electric Park before it opened to the public for the season. All the drinks were magnificent, sitting in the sun was glorious, and seeing one of the KC hearts was fun.
We saw even more KC hearts at Union Station when we went on a Gangster Tour with one of my cousins. After the tour we went for tacos and drinks.
My dad and I ended up at Royals Opening Day with some family. It was cold, but the win and the memories were worth it.
The Kansas Jayhawks also had a big fun win. Watching them win the national championship was emotional and exhilarating. We had cookies to celebrate and have a commemorative bottle of J. Rieger to remember it.
My book buying hobby has resumed, just in time to celebrate National Independent Bookstore Day and to do some thrifting.
Here’s to finding perfect in the unperfect.
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