My high school best friend and I shared a locker in the Band Room. For whatever reason we did not keep a lock on our shared locker; we did not even have a lock for it. I suppose we felt safe and boring enough to trust that no one would want to steal anything from us. I remember getting to History class one day and soon realizing that I did not have my book. After convincing my teacher to allow me to go fetch it I made my way to the Band Room. When I arrived to my locker I was completely confused. There was a lock on my locker. After looking into the surrounding lockers, they were barred and not steal doors so I could easily peer in, and seeing my things in the locked locker, I concluded that it was indeed my locker. I tugged on the lock thinking that maybe someone was playing a joke and put a fake lock on my locker. Nope. It was not unlocking.
Feeling totally embarrassed, yet still in need of my History book, I went on a hunt for a janitor. Once I found the janitor it was even more embarrassing trying to explain why I needed the lock cut off.
"No, I did not forget the combination."
"Yes, it really is my locker."
"Seriously, it has never had a lock on it. Now it does."
"C'mon, I really just need my History book."
"Thank you!"
How I finally convinced the janitor to let me into my own locker I do not remember, but I do remember the embarrassment. And I never did solve the mystery of where the lock came from.
And now I keep everything locked.