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Dreamer. Reader. Traveler.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The one with 8th Grade Gym

Mallory Eryn Flippin is one of the only good things that came from 8th grade gym class. I'd say that we were both glad to have each other during that nasty class. A lifetime or two has passed since then and I'd say that we're both glad to still have each other. I'm super proud of my friend for being strong enough to move across the ocean to teach English to some super precious Japanese kiddos. I'm also proud of her heart for that nation and for her willingness to help. I got to hang out with Mally today and it was fun yet bittersweet seeing as she is to return to Japan is a mere few days. Proof of our time together today...

I'm thankful that my friend made some time for me while she was home and I wish her safe travels for her return to Japan.