I’m beginning to recognize certain prejudices that I have but was unaware of, and I’m learning to readjust my thinking. Why? Because I am now living some of the prejudices that I put on people.
Moving back home.
Not getting a wanted job.
These are just a few.
I used to always have certain thoughts about people that move back home or that never left home at all. I formerly used words like bum, failure, and typical to describe my feelings of people who stay put. I used to wonder how they could be satisfied with the same thing, the same place, the same people, the same, the same, the same. Now that I am back, however, I find a certain comfort in things that are the same. I am finding comfort in reuniting with some of the same people that I used to share this little space of Missouri, home, with. I am learning that not everything is as it seems. Not everyone comes home or stays put for the same reasons and everyone has their reasons for doing what they do. I am learning to be satisfied in knowing why I do the things I do.
Before now, I had in my brain that divorce was silly, which I still think to some extent. I used to think that it was for the immature and the noncommittal. I used to think that anyone could work their problems out, which again, I still think they can. In this instance, I’m learning that it really does take two. Like so many things in life, love and commitment are choices to be made and making a marriage work takes two people choosing to do so, choosing to work on their problems. I am learning that divorce does not make me a misfit, just a statistic, a young fool, or a girl blinded by love. Divorce gives me a chance to replant a seed in my heart and see what blossoms from it.
In terms of job searching, I am learning that it still takes time and patience even with a degree and ‘limited’ experience. I am so anxious to use the degree I sought after, paid for, and received. I want to be able to have a job that I am good at, that I love, that pays my bills, and that makes sense for my life. I am anxious to make money and save money. I want to save for the things I long for…a house, and a chance to get back to my niche in France.
All in all, I am learning what it means to love others no matter their life situation. I am learning to refrain from seeing other’s experiences through my lenses of opinion and prejudice. I am learning that although my life’s course may not be ideal, it can still be perfect, because it’s mine and because I have choices. I am learning to accept others and myself.
Also, I could not be happier about the people I am choosing to surround myself with currently, although there are a few missing due to distance and other whatnots.
"Do not listen to your own weak heart, but to the conscience that nothing can bribe or silence." -A Long Fatal Love Chase, Louisa May Alcott
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