As I listened through the phone to a defeated sounding friend regale me the poopy pants tale from an echoing bathroom stall, I starting making a mental note of what items I needed to prepare for a cleanup intervention. I gathered towels of various sizes and an array of scented soaps and waited for the arrival of poopy pants.
My friend stripped her son and gingerly placed him in the bathtub. I will never be more thankful for a recent bathroom remodel that included a handheld nozzle in the shower. Finally clean, fresh underpants were donned and clothes were rinsed and thrown into the washing machine. As we waited for the clothes to dry the company in the living room grew.
Although an actual shitty situation, I was glad to be of help to friends in need. Community is such a necessity in this life and I hope that all involved that day found as much joy in the conversations and laughs as I did while working through a shitty situation. After poopy pants comes fresh new Star Wars underwears.
May your hearts be full and not your drawers.