In the 99-00 school year, the start of the new millennium, I thought I knew so much about myself and the world. My awkward and dramatic teenage self had no idea what was to come and where the next 16 years would take me. All I knew then was that I was in love with the boy who sat in front of me in English, I hated gym class, I was riding the school bus for the first time, my bestie and I were fighting, I thought I had a Jennifer Aniston haircut, I started wearing contacts, and I was having the time of my life making new friends and passing notebooks back and forth with them as well as making dates to chat on AOL Instant Messenger via my parent's dial up Internet.
Much like my teenage self in the 7th grade, I have no idea what the next 16 years will look like. The difference between then and now is that I realize I am a work in progress and that I am capable of adapting to change, I have the confidence to try new things, and that when I do not know what else to do I can be a sub.
Cheers to middle school students always passing notes and notebooks, even in the digital age!